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A personal message from the author of Timeless Truths for Today's Teens:
Thank you so much for being open to receiving my book as a gift from someone, somewhere in the world! This is a magical moment, demonstrating that one person can make a difference... Someone's kindness and generosity has made it possible for You to get this book for free. Maybe something in this book will help make a positive difference in your life... and in turn, others' lives. The thought of this makes my heart sing with joy!
With loving and kind wishes always,
With loving and kind wishes always,
P.S. I encourage you to Pay it Forward, by performing at least one random act of kindness for someone else. You may never know how much of a difference your kindness makes in someone's life. Positive change always starts with one person: Why not You? Why not now? I believe in you.
"A Special Thanks to the Wonderful Person who donated, so you could receive this book as a gift."